Задолле сюжет Беларусь1
Авторские куклы Анастасии Адамович - в гостях у художника. Видео на канале RukoDelie
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Master Class
About dolls
Художественная кукла как вид искусства Авторская художественная кукла - достаточно новый вид изобразительного...
Dolls as an element of interior design For a long-long time, up till the end of the last century, the collectors all over the world have been...
Who are you, Baba Yaga? Every Slav since very childhood knows that Baba Yaga is a popular character of folk tales. She is an...
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Авторская художественная кукла - достаточно новый вид изобразительного искусства. Предпосылки к появлению феномена авторской куклы можно обнаружить в начале XX века, однако наиболее интенсивное развитие относится к 1980-2000-м годам в Западной Европе и США, к 1990-м годам - в Восточной Европе.
Этому способствовали появление новых материалов и технологий производства кукол. Но главное, что повлияло на развитие - это желание авторов преодолеть некие стереотипы восприятия, наделить кажущийся привычным объект новыми смыслами.
Современная художественная кукла с одной сохраняет генетические связи с традиционным миром куклы, с другой - такой объект свободен от какого бы то ни было функционального предназначения, помимо эстетического. С такой…
For a long-long time, up till the end of the last century, the collectors all over the world have been interested only in antique dolls (such dolls are usually no less than a hundred years old). Nevertheless, recently a hand-made designer’s doll has taken back it’s rightful place in the art world. A designer’s doll created by a modern talented artist has become an object of keen interest for the collectors.
A collection doll – besides its direct purpose, that is collection – can become a unique and luxurious part of interior design. It has been known for a…
Every Slav since very childhood knows that Baba Yaga is a popular character of folk tales. She is an old crone, a sorceress who flies in a mortar, lives in a a hut on the chicken legs and puts children on a shovel to roast them in an oven and, of course, eat. At first, such a “resume” proves my attraction to its dolls a bit strange, but the “evil sorceress” has its own captivating history.
Let’s begin with a fact that in pre-Christian time the nature spirits, such as satyrs, river-horses, sprites and other characters of folk tales as…
It’s an ancient Slavic saying and I have no reasons to disagree. One of the pre-Christian traditions that survived to these days is a presence of various charms and protections. Domovoy is the most distinctive representative of Slavic mythology. A rare house would go without this funny character. Domovoy is a house spirit that brings well-being and prosperity, protects the tenants from misery and hardships. Human were forbidden to offend the Domovoy and had to feed him so he would become a great help to the lady of the house. A necessary attribute of any Domovoy is a “domovushka” –…
Childhood. A word that brings a lot of bright and warm memories. It is a joy of discovery, and delight and great expectations of small miracles. And dolls. It is impossible to imagine childhood without a doll – your favourite, special, the very best doll in the whole world!
Growing up, people lose most of their childhood illusions and it becomes harder and harder to feel pure joy, but that doll, once found somewhere in the attic, inevitably brings back all those feelings. The first dolls (archeologists say that dolls have appeared more than 30 thousand years ago) were…